CONTACT US : Sending an email is always the best option. Reach us at
You may also call 1-800-330-3309.
You'll either reach a person or be promted to leave a voice message. These days, most communication is done through the computer, emails always get a faster response, sometimes even after business hours.
ORDER STATUS/UPDATE: Please e-mail us with your order number and name on the order to You will receive a response usually within 24 hours.
ORDER BY FAX: Please print the completed order form. Include your current e-mail address and phone number. Fax to 1-631-486-6735.
Mailbox Shoppe
PO Box 618
Centerport, NY 11721
We drop-ship products from factory warehouses all around the country. There is no one location for returns. You must call us for a Return Goods Authorization Number (RGA#) and the return address for your specific products.
STORE LOCATION: At the end of 2007, we opted not to renew our retail store lease. After 15 years in local retail store locations, changing times and the power of the internet made maintaining a retail showroom too expensive.
Consequently, Long Island customers should know, we have no retail location:
* There are no local pick-ups... and...
We stopped doing installations years ago.
Truth is.... too many people came into to our old showroom locations just to inspect items, then went back home and purchased from an out-of-state internet seller (boo!). That buying pattern has made running local specialty product retail businesses very difficult. For better or worse, it's a new world and we've adapted our business to it.
VACATION: None planned. 